Fabulous long hair - Petra Schlesinger

fabulous long hair  hairstyles, Red dress
Fabulous long hair - Luxury hairstyle
Fabulous long hair - Luxury hairstyle - She looks great in her Red dress - Photos of Petra Schlesinger Long hair Divas.

If you want really beautiful long hair you need to plan it carefully. Hair grows about ½ inch a month so if you have the tips trimmed about every three months you will have 4 - 5 inches of healthy new hair in a year. Regular trimming, even every three months, is much better than just letting it grow.
Treat your hair carefully when it is wet. Always use a conditioner to detangle. Hair is elastic and liable to stretch when wet. Yanking combs through wet hair may stretch it and cause breakage.
Blow dry your hair with the hot air directed downwards along the hair shaft. This will result in a shinier finish.

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